tetris effect

Number 87 - Rayman Legends, Portal 2, Spelunky

This episode serves as an endearing study of friendship, co-operation and stories about caves! With Tetris fever still rife in the Our Three Cents camp - will the boys be able to stay focused enough to recount their 87th favourite video games of all time? Sort of. But really not.

Number 88 - Worms Armageddon, Life is Strange, Pokémon Rumble World

In a jam-packed episode this week, we have our first repeat entry - the chaps are more riddled with Worms than ever before! In a surprising video game industry twist, Tetris is the suddenly the most revolutionary title on the market again - life really is strange! And whilst Minty plays with his suspiciously-designed pocket monsters, Jonathan explains why Blowfish Studio’s Minesweeper Genius is better than Red Dead Redemption 2! Discuss.