Number 8 (Chris Dow) - WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$!

Want to know the gaming imagery We Three Cents would have permanently etched onto our buttocks?

Want to know how Chris has got on with a number of games like Lonely Mountains: Downhill, awe-inspiring Vita ports of the PS2's Grand Theft Auto trilogy, or 3DS ports of some pixel art classics?

Want to know how Jonathan has got on with a bigger number of games like a 3DS platforming triumvirate, the Champion's Road of Super Mario 3D World, or the entire launch line-up of the Playstation 5?

Want to know how Minty has got on with one game, the cavernously large Bravely Default II?

Then, the meat and potatoes of the episode - want to know just how much can one man say about a game comprised entirely of three-second experiences?!

Find out why Chris considers WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$ Nintendo's most immediate but also most cerebral release to date!